Monday, December 10, 2012

Wine vs. Beer: What's trending?

So after my last post about chocolate and beer I started thinking about and wondering if beer is becoming the new alcoholic drink of choice to pair with chocolate rather than the traditional bottle of beloved wine.

According to experts paring craft beer with rich chocolate can actually be better tasting. The premium flavors of the beer and the sort of malty sweetness enhances  not only the flavors of the chocolate but also the beer itself. Another factor is the carbonation from the beer cleanses the palate, which means that after every sip the chocolate tastes like the first bite!

In a recent poll beer beat wine and liquor as America's most popular alcoholic drink. So beer makers are starting to catch on and are selling products that pair people's pleasures. Beer is not more expensive than wine so if the trend is shifting I am definitely interested to see what brewery's will brew up next.

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